Lawak Pemimpin - Lidah Emak
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Apa cerita pulak ini? Kisah bahasa lagi daa.
Perihal Lidah Emak ke?
Entah Lah.
Mother Tongue disebutnya.
Ditanya Lah wartawan akan pendapat seorang pemimpin. Maka lawak Lah jadinya.
Begini gamaknya:
Wartawan: Recently I read Azly Rahman's superb post at his Blog. According to the Blogger,
Pemimpin: You see. Inglis important. But, our native language important more a bit. So, can we say NO to Inglis? YES to Bahasa Melayu? To my opinion, we must make sure our Mother Tongue like usual. If she no tongue, how she to speak, how she to eat. More. So, cannot Lah until part 5, or five part, you know. We must make it like usual, only one part. So, by my opinion, mother tongue important more than any bahasa.Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Should we abandon our "mother tongue."?, Part 5
(Tambahan dari A Mum Of 3 Mohd. Hehehehehe...)
Wartawan 2: What about you? What is your view on the same point?
Pemimpin 2: Malay got mother
Chinese got mother
Indian also got mother
All the mothers got tongue wat
No tongue means mother no talk wat
If mother no talk we also cannot talk
So, I tink mother tongue good wat
More mother tongue....more merrier
Inglis also got mother
Inglis our adopted mother wat
so talk inglis mother tongue also good
Malay mother tongue sure want...Chinese and Indian mother tongue no harm...Inglis mother good to know by every one.
This is wat we kol....GLOKAL languange!!
So pliz don disterb the mothers' tongue.
Let it be... it no harm you
Don pray...pray with my mother's tongue ok!

A Tongue-twisting Wish...
Kuang! Deng!! Dong!!!