biGlory - Pokok Demokrasi..! Pemimpin Politit Perak..? Malaysiakini
ZiZi Cucu Tok Bebayang Acheh
Wa nengok gambor nii, Wa kater...Cantek!
Bleh jadek acyiara tahonan neh..!
Kat Malaysiakini:
'Tree of Democracy' gets 5 companions Gabrielle Chong | Mar 9, 09 2:10pm - Five trees - Justice, Integrity, Welfare, Transparency and Trustworthiness - have been planted near the 'historical' Democracy tree. [VIDEO INSIDE]MORE
Plaque erected to explain the events Local residents to look after the tree
Gurau ek...
Jiker Wa bual ngan Rakan dari Indonesia, kiter kater, "Pokok nya apa?" Wa kini jawap, pokok nyer pokok.
Dulu kalor ektibiti tanam pokok, ramai puji. Tapi pokok nan nii, ada jugak kritik tuu.
Insap ler...
Kalor Wan nengok pelem Cinta, musti ader adegan Syinta Bawah Pokok Dating, beb..!
Adoiyai...Tok Wa bedehem plak.
Wa chow dulu...
Lu kasi nengok nii ya...