Altantuya Shariibuu - Blogger Titipkan Kisah Pembunuhannya Terkini
Altantuya Shaariibuu
Zubli Zainordin ialah Blogger pengkhususan Pemimpin Politik di Blog nya A Total Blog, dan Satu Blog Total. Di Blog Combined Forces Of Malaysian Bloggers, Zubli Zainordin Penulis Jemputan Dr Sid.
Berikut beberapa blogger yang titipkan kisah pembunuhan Altantuya Shariibuu, khususnya keputusan mahkamah terkini.
Pahang Daily OnLine Has An Exclusive Post On Altantuya
Posted by Zubli Zainordin on October 28, 2008
Altantuya Shariibuu - So Many But One Most Basic Question Is?
Posted by Zubli Zainordin on October 29, 2008
Altantuya Shariibuu - Murder Case Friday We Shall Know The Verdict…
Posted by Zubli Zainordin on October 30, 2008
Dari Blog PinkTurtle:
Nasib Abdul Razak, Azilah, Sirul Azhar Diketahui Sebentar Lagi
Mahkamah Tinggi Shah Alam hari ini membebaskan penganalisa politik Abdul Razak Baginda daripada tuduhan bersubahat membunuh wanita Mongolia, Altantuya Shaariibuu.
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Abdul Razak Baginda, escorted by policemen, walks through the throng at the Shah Alam High Court which acquitted him this morning on a charge of abetting in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu. Two policemen charged with him were ordered to enter their defence for Altantuya’s murder. – Picture by Choo Choy May | |||
SHAH ALAM, Oct 31 —Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda was today acquitted by the High Court here of abetting in the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu. Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri, 32, and Corporal Sirul Azha Umar, 37, who are members of the police Special Action Force (UTK), were, however, ordered to enter their defence to the charge of murder. |
Friday, October 31, 2008
Dari Blogger Jed Yoong:
Friday, October 31, 2008
Razak Baginda bebas - KES ALTANTUYA
Dari Blog sarfarizmalsaad
Razak Baginda bebas... Azilah Hadri dan Sirul Azhar diperintah bela diri October 31, 2008 : 10.19 AM

Bapa Altantuya kecewa Pembebasan Razak Baginda - Malaysiakini
Altantuya Reactions: 'Judgment Based On Law', Says Father | | |
Friday, 31 October 2008 16:29 |
Dr. Setev Shaariibuu, the father of slain Mongolian beauty Altantuya, refused to discuss the High Court’s decision to free political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda. |
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Alhamdulillah.. Razak Baginda telah melaluinya...
Razak Baginda telah 'melalui harinya' dengan penuh ketabahan, kekecewaan dan pengajaran yang dia sendiri tahu samada berbaloi atau tidak.Lagi, di Blog Kluangman.
Altantuya Shariibuu - A Few Knows Who Did It We Are Still In The Dark
Posted by Zubli Zainordin on October 31, 2008
Malaysiakini Reports:
Altantuya case: Why Abdul Razak was freed |
S Pathmawathy | Oct 31, 08 6:06pm |
Shah Alam High Court judge Mohd Zaki Md Yasin ruled that vital elements of abetment in the death of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu had not been established. |
Friday, October 31, 2008
Masih belum berkesudahan...
Dari Blog No2UMNO:
Oct 31, 2008
Altantuya: Jangan cuba bodohkan rakyat Malaysia
31 October 2008
Eksklusif: Kes Perbicaraan Anwar Ibrahim Dan Keputusan Kes Pembunuhan Altantunya !!
Azan Ismail, Setuju Raja Petra Jadi Saksi Kes

31 October 2008
Eksklusif: Biarpun Keputusan Sudah Diketaui,
BPR Harus Siasat Siapa Arah Keluarkan Bom C4 !!

Friday, October 31, 2008
Razak Baginda bebas, bagaimana keyakinan rakyat pada sistem kehakiman - Malaysiakini

Ketika dihubungi Suara Keadilan Online, Yusmadi berkata, terdapat beberapa kecurigaan yang berlaku sepanjang kes ini berlaku yang menjadi persoalan kepada rakyat negara ini.
“SAYA Berpendapat bahawa...
Komen Rakan Blogger:
Jadi...apa motif Altantuya di bunuh?
motif dia. nnti lu. ade perbicaraan nnti. kita tgk sape buat ceritera ini.
Razak Baginda telah mendapat keadilan dari segi undang undang tetapi bagi yang tidak mahu mempercayainya, tersemat seribu satu lagi tuduhan dan tomahan yang akan keluar.
Mereka memperkatakan tentang keadilan dan kebebasan tetapi dalam masa yang sama mahu menggunakan 'hukum rimba' sebagai mahkamah dan mereka sendiri menjadi hakimnya.
Sungguh dasyat manusia manusia 'gila' ini.
Dari Blog Anwar Ibrahim:
By Adib Zalkapli
KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 31 — Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim wished Abdul Razak Baginda well, but questioned the manner in which the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case was handled by the police and the prosecution.
“Of course on a personal level, I wish Razak well, but the issue here revolves around the court procedure and the investigations,” he told reporters when met at the Jalan Duta court complex.
InsyaAllah Bersambung lagi...